Investigator Initiated Clinical Research

MUSC Hollings Cancer Center investigators are pushing science forward with innovative clinical research that brings new treatment, prevention, diagnostic, and symptom management interventions to the patients of South Carolina and beyond. Below is a list of interventional trials developed by HCC researchers with links to the trial-specific information. If you wish to learn more about a specific clinical trial, please contact the study team, or complete a contact form to connect with the HCC Clinical Trials Office.




Phase II Trial of Sparing the Urethra, Pudendal Artery and Rectum During Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SUPR-SABR) for Favorable and Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer
PI: Eldredge-Hindy, Harriet

A Phase 1b Dose Escalation Study Of Metabolically Fit Cd19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor (Car) T Cells With Cd34 Selection Markers In Adult Patients With Relapsed Or Refractory Cd19 B Cell Non Hodgkin Lymphoma And Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma
PI: Hess, Brian

T Reg Function Changes: A Novel Immune Regulatory Effect Underlying Benefit of Statin Use on Lethal Prostate Cancer
PI: Marrone, Michael

Interventional Non-Treatment

Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Suvorexant 20 Mg to Placebo for Treatment of Insomnia in Cancer Survivors
PI: (Price) Marrison, Sarah Tucker

Scale and Evaluate Smoking Cessation and COPD Screening E Visits to Rural Health Clinics
PI: Dahne, Jennifer

Improving Proactive Approaches for Cancer Survivors' Mental Health Treatment
PI: Dahne, Jennifer

Hybrid Type 1 Effectiveness Implementation Trial of a Proactive Smoking Cessation Electronic Visit for Scalable Delivery via Primary Care
PI: Dahne, Jennifer

Addressing Rural Cancer Disparities via Proactive Smoking Cessation Treatment within Primary Care: A Hybrid Type 1 Effectiveness Implementation Trial of a Scalable Smoking Cessation Electronic Visit
PI: Dahne, Jennifer

Rapid Onsite Cytopathologic Evaluation for Improved Molecular Marker Testing via Endobronchial Ultrasound Bronchoscopy A Randomized Controlled Trial
PI: Gilbert, Christopher

A Multi Site Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing a Brief Tele Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention (BRIGHT) with Attention Control for the Management of Body Image Related Distress Among Head and Neck Cancer Survivors
PI: Graboyes, Evan

Replacing Invasive Cystoscopy with Urine Testing for Non muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Surveillance
PI: Grubb, Robert

A prospective trial of varenicline and incentives for e cigarette cessation in adults who co use cannabis
PI: McClure, Erin

Video Interventions for Dependence On Smoking (VIDeOS) for Cancer Patients: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
PI: Pebley, Kinsey

Optimizing Tobacco Treatment Delivery for People Living with HIV
PI: Rojewski, Alana

Adequacy for molecular analysis in EBUS TBNA specimens vs. liquid biopsies in patients with NSCLC, aka, "The Liquid Trial"
PI: Silvestri, Gerard

Impact of Cigarette and E Cigarette Menthol Regulation on Current Smokers of Menthol Cigarettes.
PI: Smith, Tracy

Non Cigarette Tobacco Products as Harm Reduction Tools in Smokers who Failed to Quit with Traditional Methods
PI: Smith, Tracy

A Clinical Trial of Adaptive Treatment for Early Smoking Cessation Relapse
PI: Smith, Tracy

A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Survivorship Needs Assessment Planning Tool for Head and Neck Cancer Survivor Caregiver Dyads
PI: Sterba, Katherine

Contingency Management to Promote Smoking Abstinence in Cancer Patients
PI: Toll, Benjamin